About Us
Angelnet was created by the Liebgold Family, to help and make a difference. Dr. Howard Liebgold, M.D., who overcame a claustrophobic condition of 31 years, dedicated his life to helping people with anxieties, phobias, and OCD. With his products, he reveals the techniques that he has used to help over 10,000+ patients to conquer their fears. His Home Courses are the most popular! We wish you much success in conquering your anxiety!
Our Products
Customer Testimonials
Dear Dr. Liebgold:
Well, I made it! I want to thank you for all the techniques and exercises that have helped me start a new life! I'm sitting in my dorm room at the college academy with an anxiety level of zero!
Sounds pretty crazy for a girl who didn't spend a night away from home for over a year. Tell your customers if I can do this, they can do it too!
Dear Dr. Liebgold:
Hurray! I made it! The flight went very well. I used the techniques and mainly stayed between a fear level of one or two (of max. 10). I thank you so much for your help, I use the tools every day.
Much love.
P.S. If I did it, anyone can!
This is written from the top of the Eiffel Tower! I could not do this the last time I was here. The course has helped in many ways on this month-long trip of Europe. Best wishes