Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Green, Green and Green!

No Green Eggs and Ham here, but close! Sometimes a color combination ties your whole meal together. Here, I wanted to add some green that would match the green on the serving plate and some beautiful green star fruit that were given me. The idea came from my Mom's cooking. We always had fried eggs with beans - it's a very asian thing.

It was very simple to slice up some leftover green beans I had, chop them in small bite size pieces, adding them to my beaten eggs (with a little ground cumin, salt and pepper), and create this fast and easy and healthy, GREEN breakfast.



At August 30, 2008 3:22 PM , Anonymous Armand said...

If Chef Chong can cook, then I can eat:-)
Love the recipe. Tried it yesterday morn at home for breakfast, and will be serving the same today.

Keep up the good work. Emm..perhaps a book for all your recipes? Not a bad idea I would say.


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